HILLTOP LODGE'S MOTOCROSS FARM is a former 1970's AMA Motocross track. The track length is around 11/4 miles long and travels up, down and around a 50 acre Hillside.Track Features are Long Fast Straights, UpHills, DownHills, Off-Cambers, Natural Drop-Offs, 2 Table Tops (50 & 40 ft.) One Rhythm Section with 2 Step Up,Step Down Table Tops and Fast Wide Corners.
Above the Motocross track in a 50 acre tree stand, is a WOODS RIDING Trail System that takes you through 3 miles of Woods Riding (adding more). You may also see ELK & DEER in those woods too!
Family riding can be done behind the lodge in a 2 acre Woods parcel and in a 5 acre field, so you can easily Keep an Eye on the Little Ones while you Grille on the Patio (Motocross Track is on the other side of Moore Hill Road).
Click here for a detailed track guide!

Pennsylvania's Dark Skies
Cherry Springs State Park, in nearby Potter County, PA boasts some of the darkest, most star ...
Pennsylvania's Elk Herd
Cameron County hosts the largest elk herd east of the Mississippi... and you'll be close to them here at Hilltop Lodge. For info on the herd, its history, its range and lots more.